Kulttuurikeskus Ninho wins the MAYA Award as Best Moniheli Association 2023!

2023 is ending up with amazing news! We are thrilled to announce that Kulttuurikeskus Ninho has been honored with the MAYA Award for the Best Moniheli Association of 2023! This marks the first time Ninho has received any recognition since its launch in 2016, and as members of Moniheli Network, we couldn’t be prouder. The […]

Kulttuurikeskus Ninho wins the MAYA Award as Best Moniheli Association 2023! Read More »

Kulttuurikeskus Ninho receives financial support from Suomen Kulttuurirahasto for the first time

Including Sámi and Roma Voices at Kolibrí Festivaali: An initiative with the Finnish Cultural Foundation

In these challenging times for arts and culture in Finland, we are honoured to receive support from Finnish Cultural Foundation – Suomen Kulttuurirahasto for the first time, as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Kolibrí Festivaali. For a decade, we have worked to create a space where children and their families can experience, learn, and

Including Sámi and Roma Voices at Kolibrí Festivaali: An initiative with the Finnish Cultural Foundation Read More »

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