Kulttuurikeskus Ninho invites all members to the 2025 Annual Assembly

Kulttuurikeskus Ninho ry invites all members to our 2025 General Members Assembly! Like every year around this time, the Annual Assembly will be celebrated on 18.3.2025. It is a crucial event for our association, not only to fulfill the formalities that come with any association, but also a special occasion to come together as a community and celebrate the strength that unites us around the values and mission of our association: develop a more multicultural and plurilingual children’s culture in Finland. 

Also, remember this 2025 marks a very important occasion: the 10th anniversary of our beloved Kolibrí Festivaali! So we need all support possible to turn this birthday into a huge party! But Kolibrí is not our only project. We organise other events during the year, and develop more projects, so we need your support!

If you have ever join our events, volunteer or performed with us, it is a great moment to join the Ninho community!

Save the date! 

🗓 18.3.2025  ⏰ 6 – 7:30 pm 

📌 This year, the Annual Assembly will be just online. The link to the meeting will be sent by email the day before. That is on 17.3.2025. 

What will be the Ninho General Assembly agenda? 

Keep reading and check out all the points that will be discussed in the General Assembly, how to participate, and why it’s important for you to be present if you’re a member. If you are not a member yet, it’s a very good time to join us, and check first hand the actions we do all year around.

Following the regulations of the Finnish Associations Act, the main points of the day will be: 

  1. Election of assembly authorities: President, Secretary, and Inspector for vote counting and inspection protocols to ensure the legality of the meeting. Verification of quorum to establish the meeting.
  2. Approval of the agenda.
  3. Presentation of the Annual Report, financial report, and auditor’s statement.
  4. Confirmation of the financial report and discharge of the Board and other responsible individuals.
  5. Presentation and approval of 2025 Action Plan.
  6. Presentation and approval of the 2025 Budget.
  7. Election of new Board of Directors 2025–2026.
  8. Presentation and vote on proposed amendments to the Association’s rules.
  9. Pending matters.
  10. Closing of the General Assembly.

If you are a member of Kulttuurikeskus Ninho, you will receive links to the most important documents that will be discussed in the Assembly: the 2024 final report, the 2025 action plan, and budget.  

Please remember to read them before the meeting to contribute your ideas. Ninho is a collective effort, and your participation and opinion are crucial. 

Who can participate and vote in the Assembly 

Anyone can attend the General Assembly, whether or not they are a member of the association. 

But it’s important to remember that only Ninho members can vote or run for the Board 2025. So: 

Why is it important to be present at Ninho General Assembly 2025? 

As indicated by the Finnish Associations Act, “the members of the association decide on the activities of the association in the general meetings”. The future of our association depends on all of us, and every opinion counts

Ninho’s actions are decided by the members. 💜 We do it together! By being present, you will know where the money from your membership fee is invested, understand the work done by the board, workers, and volunteers (let’s not forget their important work), and strengthen our community. Also, as mentioned before, we face an amazing year! So we’d love to have all members aboard.

For those unsure of the purpose of an association’s assembly, we suggest watching this video that also describes the board’s activities. Consider proposing your name as one of its members!  

We sincerely appreciate your commitment and active participation in the development and strengthening of our association. 

Remember to renew your membership or become a member HERE

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this invitation, please do not hesitate to reach out

We look forward to seeing you on 18.3.2025! 

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